On 22/10, DynaGen Live United members joined the second training with the topic of “Communications for a greater impact” hosted by blogger Nguyen Ngoc Long – PR- Communications Specialist.

During the morning section, the members have been trained in communications concepts, practicing real-life marketing campaigns from local and international brands.
The host introduced the 16 most popular communications concepts within the afternoon section, the “5-star” formula, and how to align an attractive key message in the story. The trainers also practiced famous communication formulas through examples provided by speaker Nguyen Ngoc Long. From that, they are now capable of building a compelling communications story.

According to blogger Nguyen Ngoc Long, the journey of becoming a communications specialist is filled with many challenges and difficulties but also promising and valuable. To decide on their future career, young people need to fully understand and experience every stage of emotions, including sadness, happiness, success, and failure. When you intensely experience everything, then making decisions is much easier.

#QuyViTamVocViet #VSF #MSDVietnam #DynaGenLiveUnited #DynaGenVietnam
DynaGen – Live United program is a youth development program implemented by For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) and Sustainable Development Management Research Institute MSD – United Way Vietnam. The program is sponsored by Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank and Shinhan Square Bridge Vietnam
Website: https://livinglabvietnam.org/…/cong-dong-lanh-dao-tre…/
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/YouthUnited.Vietnam
Email: dynagen.liveunited@gmail.com
Phone: (024) 62 769 056 (Ms Yến)